Thursday 25 October 2012

beneath the wheel... hermann hesse

the inspiration behind the direction of this semester has been heavily driven by the literature that has inspired me in the last few months... hermann hesse has had a particular impact on my thought and his commonly adressed theme of education and indeed educational institutions is what is driven my idea for the script for the final presentation...

the book which will be readapted for the purposes of this assignment is called "beneath the wheel" and i have included a quick plot summary to give the basic idea of the premise of the storyline. 

"Hans Giebernath lives among the dull and respectable townsfolk of a sleepy Black Forest village. When he is discovered to be an exceptionally gifted student, the entire community presses him onto a path of serious scholarship. Hans dutifully follows the regimen of study and endless examinations, his success rewarded only with more crushing assignments. When Hans befriends a rebellious young poet, he begins to imagine other possibilities outside the narrowly circumscribed world of the academy. Finally sent home after a nervous breakdown, Hans is revived by nature and romance, and vows never to return to the gray conformity of the academic system."

this storyline will be adapted in my case with the monastery itself replacing han's rebelious friend - in particular a narrative will be established between a full time elder of the woodfordia site and an apprentice / scholar confused with his direction. the animation will break down the 5 elements (eating, dwelling, making, moving, breathing) into different segments of their day together - and show how the monastery provides those living within it's walls a greater sense of consciousness...

Tuesday 23 October 2012

inspiration... peter zumthor

alternatively to the openness of stutch the design requires an element of "introspectiveness" to be incorporated into the design - furthermore a key element that draws the eye to the heavens...

this chapel was formed through using old logs to create the formwork for the rammed earth pillar... then burnt out to leave the hollow core... this is very similar to the premise behind the chimney stack which around the entire village revolves around...

in terms of use of material and spatial outcomes this is such a beautiful exemplar to work from - furthermore driven heavily by the theory of "phenomenology" - as mentioned throughout my blog the ideas of heidegger are instrumental to my thought this semester...

inspiration... peter stutchbury

the paddock house by stutch really emphasises the element of porosity, openness and "touches the earth lightly" in a way i would like to pursue in my design... 

very open floor plan - simple structure and the use of simple materials - such a beautiful attatchment to the landscape - the blurring of inside and outside... 

this typology will be incorporated in the 2 sides of the courtyard that open up to the landscape - allowing a connection through the village to the activity and landscape - the "extrospective" element...

Thursday 18 October 2012

the design continues...

i feel as though a real sensibility between open and closed - inside and out - hard edge and soft are bebgining to develop... here is where the plan sits now

the pagoda has been substituted for a fire place, which around the main activities of the "monastery" revolve... a meeting place for discussion

also in the corner you can see the beginnings of the section and understanding of the scheme in a different way...

kahn inspiration

two louis kahn quotes that are powerful in their sense of connection to what i am trying to achieve here...
‘the school and the dormitories are a unit, like a monastery. corridors are avoided by having deep porches, off all the dormitory rooms, where tea is served and things are discussed. the school is around a court which has in it an amphitheatre. everything here is planned around the idea of meeting.’
– kahn on IIM – ahmedabad.
"i think of school as an environment of spaces where is good to learn. schools began with a man under a tree, who did not know he was a teacher, discussing his realization with a few who did not know they were students . . . the existence-will of school was there even before the circumstances of a man under a tree. that is why is good for the mind to go back to the beginning, because the beginning of any established activity is its most woderful moment."
– kahn on the first school

the evolution of a courtyard...

the diagram above is to explain further the developments in the programme and their meaning...

all decisions have been made in regards to addressing the 4 elements

1. a sense of introspectiveness (a deeper understanding of one's self) - the courtyard

2. a sense of extrospectiveness (a connection to the world around us - others) - open floorplan - external views

3. a connection to earth (an understanding of our relationship with the ground below) - touching the earth lightly - reading the contours of the land - the now

4. a connection to the heavens (an understanding of our ephemarilaity) - a centrepiece drawing the eye inwards and upwards - the future


the first diagram shows the courtyard and its establishment of the element of introspectiveness

the second is the opening up of 2 sides to establish the sense of extrospectiveness

the third looks at the tapering of the court to create a focal point - "the pagoda"

the fourth then looks at this with a deeper level of porosity - freedom + flow

the fifth includes a tree at the opposing end of the courtyard to reintroduce the circular sense of the court - eternity


the following diagram further highlights the way the "monastery" is beginning to form a zoning heirarchy - as per in the buildings looked at in the exemplar analysis - all working around the central courtyard...

you can see also how there is a focal point to the arrangement that is beginning to develop...