Thursday 18 October 2012

the evolution of a courtyard...

the diagram above is to explain further the developments in the programme and their meaning...

all decisions have been made in regards to addressing the 4 elements

1. a sense of introspectiveness (a deeper understanding of one's self) - the courtyard

2. a sense of extrospectiveness (a connection to the world around us - others) - open floorplan - external views

3. a connection to earth (an understanding of our relationship with the ground below) - touching the earth lightly - reading the contours of the land - the now

4. a connection to the heavens (an understanding of our ephemarilaity) - a centrepiece drawing the eye inwards and upwards - the future


the first diagram shows the courtyard and its establishment of the element of introspectiveness

the second is the opening up of 2 sides to establish the sense of extrospectiveness

the third looks at the tapering of the court to create a focal point - "the pagoda"

the fourth then looks at this with a deeper level of porosity - freedom + flow

the fifth includes a tree at the opposing end of the courtyard to reintroduce the circular sense of the court - eternity

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