Wednesday 19 September 2012

consciousness and knowledge

“I call that man awake who, with conscious knowledge and understanding, can perceive the deep unreasoning powers in his soul, his whole innermost strength, desire and weakness, and knows how to reckon with himself.” 

Hermann Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund

as i have spoken about in recent posts i feel as though a pursuit of increased consciousness in regards to the issues facing all of us is the only way that we can really change the momentum of the crises that we are currently experiencing.

before semester i read a book that has become very powerful to me - by hermann hess - narcissus and goldmund - which documents the meeting of two kindred spirits within the walls of a seminary. without going into too much detail, the two key characters are very different people in terms of personality but drawn to each other as they help increase the others understanding of the world - a heightened level of consciousness.

it is the early chapters set in the seminary though that resonate with me in terms of the future of this project. those that populate the seminary are an eclectic mix - although in a christian environment there is a range of life paths being undertaken and the seminary provides the forum for learning and understanding. the descriptive nature of the author takes the reader within the walls of this highly educational facility that looks further than education in terms of pure documentation and facts. instead it looks at the heightened "consciousness" of those enrolled.

seminary in etymological terms

seminary Look up seminary at
mid-15c., "plot where plants are raised from seeds," from L. seminarium "plant nursery," figuratively, "breeding ground," from seminarius "of seed," from semen (gen. seminis) "seed" (see semen). Meaning "school for training priests" first recorded 1580s; commonly used for any school (especially academies for young ladies) from 1580s to 1930s. Seminarian "seminary student" is attested from 1580s.

the raising of seeds - what a wonderfully appropriate description of how i envision woodfordia developing from a seed - becoming a breeding ground for new thought. 

i feel as though perhaps woodfordia in my mind is a "seminary of consciousness" of sorts. something that i would love to pursue from this point on in the design process... creating a place of residence and living, understanding and teaching, DEVELOPing those 5 mantras.

Eating, Dwelling, Making, Moving, Breathing...

a centre in which apprentices can devote time to becoming more in touch with these basic elements of human existence...

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