Friday 28 September 2012

exemplar analysis - "the abbey"

in moving forward, it is important to look back - to where we have come from... therefore the next section of the blog will focus on my exemplar analysis. 

in understanding the dynamics of a monastery / seminary I feel it important to analyse the layouts and workings of these building typologies around the world.

the firs one i have decided to look at is the traditional "abbey"

the abbey is broken up in to very distinct zoning that focus around a central courtyard - girt by the "cloister" - or main circulation space of the gathering of buildings. this is done to create an element of "introspectiveness" for those within the abbey.

when analysed closer against our 5 elements - the typology can be broken down concisely...

eating, dwelling, making, moving, breathing

the key point that resonates with me with this abbey typology is the very ordered structure of the buildings and their strong relationship to the inside courtyard - in planning sense - even more strongly so then to the cathedral, or key building within the composition. 

the importance of the "cloister" or movement space is integral also as this is where monks and visitors were immediately drawn for conversing and thinking... resonating strongly with my own ambitions of the "consciousness" element of the woodfordia project.

it will be interesting to compare this against monasteries of other religious denominations and cultures... hopefully this can inspire my own built form and spatial relationship...

above is the incredible courtyard space at westminster abbey... a truly inspiring and incredible space - regardless of your religious inclination...

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