Wednesday 29 August 2012


"One of the primary roles to be played by the experimental activists in architecture is not to come up with new ideas of what architecture should be, but to come up with new ways to talk about it"

this in a sense sums up the feeling that has been resounding with me this semester... the immediate response to every situation it seems is to reinvent the wheel rather than sitting back and discussing the opportunities available at hand with what we know and have already developed...

man is very fast to grab the hammer and start banging things into shape -without really looking at what is broken in the first place and what needs to be done... no one builds a house without first establishing a plan.

"he realizes that, if you give everybody a playground in which they can unleash their desires, then it won’t be a 60s paradise of love and solidarity and all that – people will actually kill each other, because we’re dark, miserable creatures."

my fear is that man is not in control of his desires and THIS is what causes him to become dark and miserable... i think it is our disconnection from technics and our own path - our lack of self-actuation and sustainability...

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