Thursday 23 August 2012

the aspatial city...

immediately i found this reading intriguing as the writer was in Manchester at the 17th edition of the incredible future everything conference, which was held at the monumental museum of science and industry, home of the industrial revolution. 

the continual link back to the industrial revolution and man's connection with machine is undeniable in this unit...

i loved the final image of the farady tent which was designed to prevent the person beneath it from being exposed to frequencies against their will. this seems consistent with my personal desire for this unit - to take a step back form the constant exposure to the high-tech digital age that constantly interferes (welcome or not) into our daily lives...

i remember living in london and the feeling of not ever being able to escape the gaze of the surveillance cameras everywhere... when did an individual lose their right to choice??? i think slowly we are becoming more and more like the situation in orwells 1984...

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

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