Wednesday 29 August 2012

the green imperative - victor papanek

"unless we change the direction in which we are heading, we might end up where we are going..."

in this incredible book papanek suggests that...

"swapping, bartering, and borrowing things probably preceded commercial trading by thousands of years. similarly people have bought used merchandise for generations..."

this runs so harmoniously with the vision of woodfordia that we have - a society in which things are not only shared but created to last.... so far removed from the capitalist driven "design to die" factories through which so much rubbish is produced...

"the creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect alone, but by the play instinct, from inner necessity. the creative mind plays with the object it loves."    Carl Jung

our woodfordia vision IS this - a collaborative place for those with nothing BUT neccesity - utilising their desire to live to self actuate and push forth...

WOODFORDIA as the cradle of new thought - the "THINK FARM"  

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