Thursday 30 August 2012


project one became quite a difficult prospect for the group i feel, whilst we took a lot of things into consideration and did our best to bring them all together - i feel as though ourselves (and many of the groups) only managed to scratch the surface...

there was a lot of things in the work that i was very proud of -especially in the sense of the vision we has for this collaborative society, in which people could use their skill sets for the benefit of the WHOLE group as oppsed to individually.a dynmaic like this would be very hard to achieve as there would need to be an entire mentality shift which could be too hard for first or second generation residents of the community.

I feel as though the longer it managed to continue for, the stronger the community would become. breaking away from the ties that we currently have to banks, mortages, supermarkets etc etc. one thing that we needed to address more-so was the way we were going to deal with the removal of "cash" from woodfordia.

whilst it could be achieved wihin the community it would make thigns very difficult when dealing with the outside world. selling technologies or products from the think farm would require the exchange of cash i think - then this cash could be used to pay back the money outstanding to purchase woodfordia from the council. only through pure ownership of the site do i think that woodfordia can truly self actuate and become self sufficient.

in its very essence living in a woodfordia that isnt purely owned is non self-sufficient - unfortunately the only way to achieve this is through the acquisition of cash and then payment to the council.

all of this needs more thinking but i feel as though we have begun and started forging a future vision based around the elements eating, dwelling, making, moving, breathing that provide a platform from which to build and constantly refer. in the future stages of the project it will be important to refer back to these for direction and reference.

i am looking forward to following b.o.b on the remainder of his journey towards the end of semester and creating a woodfordia with him that could become an exemplar for many others like it into the future...

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