Wednesday 22 August 2012

the arktika

in the search of trade - so called progression of the human paradigm - the arktika went along, steadfast, in its relentless pursuit of the "unknown"... 

with little regard shown and without care of the casualty absorbed by the men aboard - the ship circumnavigated the earth - racing the sun - carrying with it the selfish desires of the "greater" bourgeoisie.

is it madness that propels us into the depths of suffering at the expense of the expendable... what is it to "be" - if "being" means nothing but serving the good of the minority?

the arktika is the system that we live within - a cruel relentless beast with no obligation to those which rely upon it so heavily... how man cries out for equality and fairness! 

why is it so hard to achieve?  

is it the condition of man kind to cast aside the well-being of our fellow human?

or is it simply the faceless system to which we all subscribe - organised so clinically by those with the swollen fascist pockets - for the benefit of themselves?

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