Wednesday 22 August 2012

week 03: sustainable future

In this weeks tute we asked ourselves what a sustainable future meant within the woodfordia context into the future... 

the key discussion focussed around -

"what would woodfordia offer in terms of a society without capital...?"

in social and cultural contexts we though about the possibilities that woodfordia could offer to the people, not only of moreton, but the wider region of south eat queensland and australia...

a common thought between the group was the idea of establishing a system by which the woodfordia site could be "purchased" back from the council, without the exchange of currency...

this would have huge impacts on the way that the people of this commune would communicate and have dealings with the outside world. for example a system of bartering would have to be implemented within and outside of the area. this would create a range of problems in comparison to the existing model of "free trade".

perhaps this would provide man with more drive to provide for oneself? the idea that necessity is the mother of all invention. 

an interesting place to start from - what is work without "pay"?????

does what we do define who we are???

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