Thursday 30 August 2012

woodfordia 500

The 500 Year Plan

- We recognise, appreciate and graciously receive gifts from our ancestors. We understand these are the gifts of lore and the celebration of our existence.

- We aim to gift future generations a clean slate: an organisation unencumbered with financial social or environmental debt.

- We’ll cultivate a convention of decision making, strengthening through time, that will resonate in our work and nurture our future.

- We’ll plant a forest of goodwill and benefit from its shade.

- We will build with the eyes of artists.

- We’ll provide space for our descendants to meet the challenges of their generations with vigour, courage and imagination and encourage them to celebrate their journeys with levity and frivolity.

The 500 year plan lives in our minds. It is our myth. It is a vision for how we might be and sensed by all who feel our welcome.

I think this particular vision resonates deeply with what the group are trying to achieve in our Woodfordia proposal... the importance of collaboration and unity in decision making...

in a sentence i feel as though this is extremley appropriate to what we are aspiring for...


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